The conduct framework

The panel is an important part of the overarching conduct management framework that applies to all council members under the Local Government Act 1999.
The framework makes a clear distinction between behavioural matters and integrity matters. This distinction provides clear pathways to resolve issues that arise.
Behavioural matters
Behavioural matters are generally how council members behave towards others. These are included in the Behavioural Standards for Council Members and a council's behavioural support policy.
Under the conduct management framework, councils have the primary responsibility to manage the behaviour of their members. Behavioural matters may come to the panel when they are repeated or serious.
Integrity matters
These are matters that, If breached, could affect the integrity of council decisions, including conflicts of interest and the management of gifts and benefits.
Any concerns that integrity matters have been breached may be referred to the South Australian Ombudsman.
More information
Read the guidance papers and practice directions for more details.
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